Four Nine Design - Vermont logo and brand identity design
Four Nine Design - Vermont logo and brand identity design

Marketing Campaign Development Process

Every campaign is unique and so too is the work flow. We will however follow a set of guidelines that we’ve established that can be conformed to your team and the desired outcome.

Within the process we’ll throw everything at the wall and see what sticks. There are no bad ideas, amazing concepts can be found in unlikely places. Our method is to boil the list down based on your feedback, then test the concepts amongst a small focus group prior to polishing them.

A well designed campaign should:

  • Be an honest reflection of the brand’s positioning and promise
  • Provide differentiation from competitors
  • Allow for easy recognition and associations
  • Be based on a strong creative idea
  • Be applicable to a variety of customer types
  • Spark emotion

Our campaign development process consists of brainstorming, think tanking, testing, creating & working as a group.

Lets chat about your project.

Our Process

1. Review Current Marketing Actions & Assets

  • Review sales & marketing assets and actions that you currently employ.
  • Determine what works, what doesn’t, what can be improved.
  • What do you wish you could do? Why haven’t you done it?
  • What type of deployment budget do you have to work with?

2. Establish Sales & Marketing Goals

Ultimately you should have 6 month, 12 month and 36 month plans and goals. Based on your current sales performance we’ll work with you to set clear marketing goals and KPI’s that follow the lead of your sales plan.

3. Identify Push Products & Growth Markets

We will work with you to identify:

  • What are your current cash cows, best sellers and margin drivers?
  • Who are you best customers, where are you under performing, have new markets popped up, have you identified new opportunities and markets? etc.
  • Are you launching new products, reintroducing existing successful products, etc.

4. Establish Key Dates & Milestones

A well executed plan starts by establishing dates and deadlines and should be based on communication sequences that align with and support key products and launch dates. We’ll help you develop a time line that both makes sense and is manageable.

5. Marketing Campaign & Planning

Taking all of the above into consideration now is the time to outline 3 - 5 focal points or activations your feel will best communicate your brand, target your existing and potential customers (both B2B and B2C), maximize ROI, drive traffic to your targeted sales channels, increase brand awareness and move product.

In addition to setting an action plan we’ll outline a budget and KPI’s to track your performance. This should be done in stages... either based on key product launches (seasonally or within a fiscal cycle).

6. Activation & Constant Communication

Based on an established plan paired with quantifiable goals, Four Nine works with our clients to execute any and all of the actions listed below:

  • Advertising Campaigns (Digital, Print and Broadcast)
  • Events & Tradeshows
  • Promotions In Store, On Line, In Person
  • Ambassador Programs
  • Sales Incentives
  • Consumer Direct Marketing (Email Newsletters)
  • Multi Media Content Creation (Video)
  • Development of Creative / Promotional Materials
  • Media Relations
